Ziddu - Get Paid To Upload Photos, Wallpapers, Pictures and Videos


Ziddu is a completely free file hosting which offer many great services and allow their members to earn and make money from their uploads. They gives user flexibility to create audio and video to share with other peoples. Unlike other free hosting Ziddu accepts parallel download so you don't have to wait for the countdown time to end anymore.

  1. unlimited upload files.
  2. file size limit is 200 MB per file.
  3. file is keep 90 day after the last download.
  4. No countdown time and allow multiple downloads.
  5. Ziddu offers free accounts for all members. No premium accounts.
  6. If your files are photos, video clips or songs. They will show preview of your files and if someone click to enlarge your photos, play your video files or listen to your songs. You will get 1 download count.
  7. Minimum payout is $10 per 10000 downloads.
  8. Ziddu have email option that enable user to send download links to their friends.
  9. have IP per file per day restriction so one person per download per day will get the download count.


Ziddu pay you by PayPal or Money Bookers. You will have to wait for 40 days before your receives your payment. you'll be able to withdraw you revenue after your earning reaches $10.

How to make money with ziddu - step by step registration guide

1) Go to Ziddu website Here.

2) You will see the form below. Fill in your name, email, password, verify code, tick on I agree terms and conditions then click the submit button.

3) After registeration you can login to your account at login page.

4) After you login go to payment settings as shown below.

ziddu payment settings

5) At payment details choose PayPal or Money Bookers.

ziddu payment details

6) To upload files go to MyFiles.

ziddu my files

7) You can either upload a single file or multiple files.

ziddu upload

8) After you have completely uploaded your files to their server you will get link which look like the one below.

ziddu upload complete

9) Now all you have to do is promote this link to where peoples are heavily spotted and watch money pouring in to you account !.

Here is payment proof earning from ziddu which is usually payout after 40 days of the previous earning.

ziddu payment proof

Upload files and get paid now !